NON-PARTISAN LEGISLATIVE MEMO: Brad Pfaff Ranked Most Bipartisan Senator

MADISON, WI — Following the end of the State Senate session, the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) — a nonpartisan agency that provides legal, research, and information services to the Legislature — released a memo showing how often Senators supported bills with the majority of the opposing party during the 2023-2024 session. Senator Brad Pfaff (D-Onalaska) was ranked the most bipartisan member of the Wisconsin State Senate.

“I am proud to have been the most bipartisan Senator this session,” said Pfaff. “Far too often, those in Madison choose to point fingers instead of rolling up their sleeves and delivering results for Wisconsinites. People are tired of the gridlock and dysfunction. I’ve worked hard to put politics aside and bring people together to address the issues facing working families in our state.”

According to the LRB memo, Pfaff voted alongside a majority of Republican Senators on 97 bills out of the 181 roll call votes this session — 53.6% of the time. The Senate passed 34 bills he authored, co-authored, or cosponsored with Republican colleagues. The Governor signed 28 of those bills into law.

Pfaff’s bipartisan work this session included bills to expand broadband access, improve agricultural roads, and preserve farmlands.


Pfaff grew up on his family’s dairy farm in northern La Crosse County and has dedicated his life to serving the people of Western Wisconsin. He is running for re-election in the 32nd Senate District, which includes La Crosse County, most of Vernon County, southern Trempealeau County, and western Monroe County.