Brad Pfaff Highlights the Importance of Child Care on “A Day Without Child Care”

LA CROSSE, WI — This morning, State Senator Brad Pfaff visited a woman-owned child care facility in La Crosse to recognize “A Day Without Child Care” and stand alongside providers in their fight for proper public support. He joined child care workers and providers serving food and reading to the children.

Pfaff has been a strong advocate for the Child Care Counts program and has fought tirelessly to ensure providers continue to receive state funding to support workers and prevent rising costs. Without this crucial program, facilities across Wisconsin will close, thousands of workers will lose their jobs, and tens of thousands of families will lose access to child care.

“Ensuring Wisconsin families have access to quality, affordable child care is crucial to building a strong economy. Without options to take care of their children, our workforce and economy will suffer,” said Pfaff. “That’s why I’ve championed our state’s vital child care industry and fought for sustained investments in providers. I’m running for re-election to ensure families don’t have to choose between taking care of their kids and providing for their families.”

Pfaff worked with his Democratic colleagues in the State Senate to utilize the state’s budget surplus to provide meaningful investments in the child care industry, but Republicans rejected those efforts. He also introduced legislation to fully fund Child Care Counts, but the Republican majority refused to hold a vote on the bill. While Republicans played games with families’ economic security, Pfaff and his Democratic colleagues fought for real solutions to the child care crisis in Wisconsin.


Pfaff grew up on his family’s dairy farm in northern La Crosse County and has dedicated his life to serving the people of Western Wisconsin. He is running for re-election in the 32nd Senate District, which includes La Crosse County, most of Vernon County, southern Trempealeau County, and western Monroe County.