Brad Pfaff Turns in Nomination Signatures Showing Huge Grassroots Support

MADISON, WI — Last week, State Senator Brad Pfaff turned in over double the required number of nomination signatures to the Wisconsin Elections Commission to appear on the ballot this fall. This submission demonstrates the groundswell of grassroots support for Pfaff’s campaign and signifies voters in the 32nd District want his continued leadership in the State Senate.

“I am deeply grateful for the outpouring of support I have received since announcing my re-election campaign. Throughout my first term in the State Senate, I have always stood up for working families and reached across the aisle to deliver results for Wisconsinites,” said Pfaff. “I believe voters in the 32nd District have seen me champion their issues and are excited to send me back to Madison to continue fighting on their behalf.”

Brad is the first State Senate candidate to submit his nomination signatures to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.


Pfaff grew up on his family’s dairy farm in northern La Crosse County and has dedicated his life to serving the people of Western Wisconsin. He is running for re-election in the 32nd Senate District, which includes La Crosse County, most of Vernon County, southern Trempealeau County, and western Monroe County.